Two Motets
2010 | SATB chorus, a capella | Op. 13
intended for separate performance in liturgy; may be performed as a set or separately in concert
First Performance: 2 May 2010, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Program Note
The texts for Two Motets are ancient Catholic liturgical prayers, set in Latin. Both texts share a theme of light. Ave, Regina coelorum is in praise of the Virgin Mary and O nata lux is a prayer to Christ as the redeemer. In setting these prayers, I sought to emulate the medieval artistic mindset. That is, rather than portray the text in a modern emotional or dramatic sense, I sought to let the beauty and intensity of the words serve as a vessel though which to portray a sense of the grandeur of the heavenly realm, much like the dazzling colors and lines found in medieval paintings of saints and other religious figures.
Program Note
The texts for Two Motets are ancient Catholic liturgical prayers, set in Latin. Both texts share a theme of light. Ave, Regina coelorum is in praise of the Virgin Mary and O nata lux is a prayer to Christ as the redeemer. In setting these prayers, I sought to emulate the medieval artistic mindset. That is, rather than portray the text in a modern emotional or dramatic sense, I sought to let the beauty and intensity of the words serve as a vessel though which to portray a sense of the grandeur of the heavenly realm, much like the dazzling colors and lines found in medieval paintings of saints and other religious figures.
Ave Regina coelorum
Op. 13 No. 1
duration: 1:30
Ave, Regina coelorum,
Ave, Domina Angelorum: Salve, radix, salve, porta, Ex qua mundo lux est orta: Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, Super omnes speciosa, Vale, o valde decora, Et pro nobis Christum exora |
Hail, Queen of Heaven!
Hail, Mistress of Angels! Hail, root, hail, portal, From which the Light for the world has risen. Rejoice, glorious Virgin, Beautiful above all others. Farewell, most gracious, And pray for us to Christ. |
O nata lux
Op. 13 No. 2
duration: 4:00
O nata lux de lumine,
Jesu redemptor saeculi, dignare clemens supplicum laudes preces que sumere. Qui carne quondam contegi dignatus es pro perditis, Nos membra confer effici, tui beati corporis. |
O born light of light,
Jesus, redeemer of the world, mercifully deem worthy and accept the praises and prayers of Your supplicants Thou who once deigned to be clothed in flesh for the sake of the lost ones, grant us to be made members of Your holy body. |